Wage portage

01Wage portage

The wage portage allows the meeting between the executives/independent in search of activity and companies in search of expertise, audit, council or training.

The status of self-employed worker is complex and offers no guarantee of income. This is why we have opted for the "portage" system.

During his or her assignment, the freelance consultant becomes an "employee" of the freelance administration company. The company handles all administrative formalities, taxes and social security contributions.


Trust and transparency

Contracts and administrative documents

HR Supply Chain

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02Why this choice?

Although I'm self-employed in the communications field, I'm also employed part-time in Geneva. To simplify contract management and accounting, I chose to work with a "portage salarial" company.

This solution allows me to work with a light mind. Contracts comply with current legislation and invoices are sent to you on time.

In this way, I can devote myself entirely to my customers' work.

03How does it work?

The relationship between Helvetic Payroll and the client company is governed by a service contract.

The relationship between Helvetic Payroll and the freelance consultant is governed by an employment contract.

The relationship between a freelance consultant and the client is defined by the specifications of the mission.

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